Sa blev hela familjen forkylda. Litta skrutt mar redan prima, men vi andra hostar och nyser. Jag gjorde lite ginger the som tydligen ska hjalpa. Man skar nagra bitar ingefar och kokar det i 10 min - sen dricker man det varmt. Man kan blanda i lite kanel, citron eller honung for extra smak.
So the whole family got a cold ! Little M is already fine, but the rest of us sneeze and cough... bu hu!
I made my special ginger tea - it works magic for colds and flues. All you do is cut a few pieces of ginger and let it boil for 10 min. The drink it! You can add lemon, cinnamon, vanilla, lime or honey for sweeter flavor.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Vad hande med det milda vintervaderet?! Igar och idag har det askat, regnat och haglat...
What happened with the mild winter? Yesterday & today we have had thunderstorms, rain, lightning and hail...
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Sale! rebajas! εκπτωσεις!
Tva ganger pa ar , ar det rea i Aten. Fran den 15 jan - slutet av Feb ar det massor av fina reor.
Twice a year, end of summer and min January you find great sales all over Athens. With the crises prices drop extra much. I got some nice big baby clothes for M to grow in - because omg she grows fast! She can barely wear all the nice things she got when she was born.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Winter walks
Sa har harligt var det idag med barnvagnen, 18 grader och sol... Inte helt fel.
Pictures from a lovely winter walk with M.
Out without M!
I lordags hade vi barnvakt och gick ut med nagra vanner utan lilla M. Det var supertrevligt och massor av nya stallen har oppnat i Glyfada. Vi at pa Soleto och sen blev det drink pa Holy Spirit. Fast efter ett tag var det mysigt att ga hem till min lilla darling M
We had a baby sitter this Saturday so we swopped formula for daiquiris and went out with some friends. Lots of new places opened in Glyfada. We ate at Soleto and had delicious cocktails at Holy Spirit. The bartenders are true mixologist and made amazing drinks.
But...after a few hours it was even better to go home and hug our little sleeping baby...
Saturday, January 19, 2013
For nagon manad sedan oppanade Souk, ett libanesisk stalle i Glyfada. Det har riktigt god och vallagad mat. Mumsig hummus, tabbouleh salad och goda kycklingspett.
Just what Glyfada was missing: A Lebanese restaurant ! A couple of months ago Souk opened its doors and serve super delicious Lebense cuisine. They are open 24 hrs per day. I liked their salad tabbouleh and yummy dips like hummus or baba ghanoush. They also have excellent chicken skewers and falafel made with ground chickpeas. Oooh i'm getting hungry just writing about it. Thank God they deliver home too...! شكرا
Just what Glyfada was missing: A Lebanese restaurant ! A couple of months ago Souk opened its doors and serve super delicious Lebense cuisine. They are open 24 hrs per day. I liked their salad tabbouleh and yummy dips like hummus or baba ghanoush. They also have excellent chicken skewers and falafel made with ground chickpeas. Oooh i'm getting hungry just writing about it. Thank God they deliver home too...! شكرا
Friday, January 18, 2013
Mind your own business
Oftast ar folk gulliga och glada nar man ar ute med en liten bebis, men det finns en kategori som alltid maste ha en asikt. Haromdagen blev en kvinna rasade och tyckte jag borde stanna hemma och inte ga ut for det var molnligt och bara 12 grader. En annan dag sa borjade en kvinna skrika pa mig for att min dotter har pa sig for varma klader (!) Gud vad man blir trott pa framlingar som lagger sig i...
Usually, people are very kind and happy when I am out with my baby. But there is a category of women who always have opinions , I have no idea how many times random strangers stop me to share their thoughts and give me 'advice'... Yesterday one lady started yelling and saying I couldn't go for a walk because it was cloudy. Another day one women was very worried that I dressed my baby too warm. Please why can't people mind their own business?!
Usually, people are very kind and happy when I am out with my baby. But there is a category of women who always have opinions , I have no idea how many times random strangers stop me to share their thoughts and give me 'advice'... Yesterday one lady started yelling and saying I couldn't go for a walk because it was cloudy. Another day one women was very worried that I dressed my baby too warm. Please why can't people mind their own business?!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Baby face
Min lilla dam ar bara tre manader drygt MEN har redan en uppsjo av produkter. Hon har till och med natt och dagkram... men sen ar hennes hy sadar perfekt babylen ocksa. Man vill bara pussa pa henne!
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M's stuff |
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My stuff |
Coffee time
Det blev en god cafe latte i solen i vouliagmeni idag. yum!
Stopped for a coffee in the sun in Vouliagmeni today, Yummy! Love the leaf they made...
Four seasons
Igar var det verkligen alla arstider pa en gang. Lite sol, regn, moln - kallt pa morgonen och sen +20 pa dagen...
Nope the amazing five star hotel hasn't opened in Glyfada... I think Istanbul is the nearest. When I meant is that we had crazy weather yesterday. A bit of everything - sunshine, rain, clouds, cold and heat... Four Seasons indeed...
Nope the amazing five star hotel hasn't opened in Glyfada... I think Istanbul is the nearest. When I meant is that we had crazy weather yesterday. A bit of everything - sunshine, rain, clouds, cold and heat... Four Seasons indeed...
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Greek Bean Soup
Jag gjorde en grekiska soppa haromdagen. Perfekt nu nar det ar vinter i Aten. Det finns massor av goda gronsaksratter i det grekiska koket. Mer recept kommer...
I made Greek bean soup the other day. It is perfect on a cold day. The Greek kicthen has lots of healthy veggie dishes like lentil soup, Chickpea Soup, green pea soup, okra soup (also know as ladyfingers) ... etc More recipes to follow...
You need: 400g dry white navy (haricot) beans - let them soak in water over night 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1 large onion, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of tomato paste, salt, pepper and oregano
I made Greek bean soup the other day. It is perfect on a cold day. The Greek kicthen has lots of healthy veggie dishes like lentil soup, Chickpea Soup, green pea soup, okra soup (also know as ladyfingers) ... etc More recipes to follow...
You need: 400g dry white navy (haricot) beans - let them soak in water over night 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1 large onion, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of tomato paste, salt, pepper and oregano
Monday, January 14, 2013
Keeping warm
Det ar lite kallare i Aten idag. Darling M har pa sig mysboots fran Sverige (tack mormor) och en gosig dunjacka.
Today is a bit colder, so I put on warm boots from Sweden for baby M and a down-feather jacket to keep warm and cozy.
Jag tog med mig lilla M och fikade med en kompis pa harlig Balux. Det ligger mitt pa beachen, pa sommaren kan man sola och bada. Pa vintern ar det ett mysigt cafe.
I took baby M to Balux and met up a friend for coffee. Balux is a super nice cafe right on the beach. In the summer, you can swim and tan here too. Don't forget to check in at Foursquare and get a discount.
I took baby M to Balux and met up a friend for coffee. Balux is a super nice cafe right on the beach. In the summer, you can swim and tan here too. Don't forget to check in at Foursquare and get a discount.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Comfy baby
Fast oftast sa har lilla M inte leopard eller camouflage - utan mysiga baby klader som denna... Perfekt att gosa runt i. Fast alla tror hon ar en pojke , sa fort hon inte har nagot rosa pa sig.
But most of the time M wears comfy baby outfits like this one. Perfect to play and cuddle in.
like mom like daughter
Titta vilka snygga tights jag hittade till Melina! Det matchar mina skinny camouflage jeans - like mom like daughter
I couldn't resist these cool pants for Melina. They match my skinny camouflage jeans - like mom like daughter.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The beach
Jag hann inte ta nagra bilder i tisdags nar det snoad. Men sa har sag det ut for nagra ar sedan. Vacker eller hur?!
I didn't have time to take photos when the snow fell this Tuesday. This is how the beach looked liked in 2008. Pretty ?
Sa har fint var vaderet idag nar jag och M tog en promenad. Det ar ratt svalt, bara 5-10 grader. Det till och med snoade i forrgar (!)
Today we had a beautiful day with blue skies and sunshine. It is rather chilly with just 5 or 10 degrees. By the way, we had snow in Glyfada the other day. Just flurries but still...
Today we had a beautiful day with blue skies and sunshine. It is rather chilly with just 5 or 10 degrees. By the way, we had snow in Glyfada the other day. Just flurries but still...
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Baby yoga
Varje tisdag gar jag och Melina pa baby yoga. En liten tre manaders tjej kan naturligtvis inte gora solhälsningar eller sitta som en lotus blomma men vi gor olika strechovningar och massage. I vissa klassiska yogapositioner kan man halla sitt barn. Det ar mysigt och avslappnat... Det er ju en baby klass, sa det matas, byts blojor och pips lite ocksa.
Every Tuesday I take Melina to baby yoga. Of course a three months old baby can't do the Surya Namaskar / Salute to the sun yoga moves quite yet, but using the principles of soft stretching, play in the form of swings and dips, and gentle massage helps to strengthen their bodies, create awareness and is perfect mommy-baby bonding time.
Every Tuesday I take Melina to baby yoga. Of course a three months old baby can't do the Surya Namaskar / Salute to the sun yoga moves quite yet, but using the principles of soft stretching, play in the form of swings and dips, and gentle massage helps to strengthen their bodies, create awareness and is perfect mommy-baby bonding time.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Baby's outfit
Min dotter har galet mycket klader - sjalv shoppade jag runt i Glyfada, online och sen fick lilla M massor av fina klader fran familjen, vanner, slaktingar, grannar mfl. Sa jag tankte posta lite bilder pa hennes olika klader. Det galler ju att andvanda den snabbt eftersom hon vaxer sa det knakar...
My daughter has lots of clothes. I couldn't resist buying some thing in Glyfada and online - but I could never image how many gift she would get! Family, friends, neighbors, friends of parents etc have been so kind. So I will post picture of her various outfits for you to see.
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Pretty in Pink! |
My daughter has lots of clothes. I couldn't resist buying some thing in Glyfada and online - but I could never image how many gift she would get! Family, friends, neighbors, friends of parents etc have been so kind. So I will post picture of her various outfits for you to see.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunny wknd
Det var verkligen toppen vader denna helg. Sa har sag det ut vid stranden dar vi bor... Nastan som hogsommar - fast tomt
The weather was great this weekend. This is our closest beach in Glyfada... looks kinda like summer - well apart from being completely empty.
The weather was great this weekend. This is our closest beach in Glyfada... looks kinda like summer - well apart from being completely empty.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
By night
Napflio ar hur vackert som helst pa kvallen. Alla fina hus ar upplysta. M sov gott i sin mysiga vagn nar vi tog en promenad.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Mitt bland turistshoppar och taverner hittade vi trendiga 3sixty in Napflio. Bar/cafe med god mat och perfekta cafe-lattes. Snalla och rara var de ocksa, de varmde nappflaskor till M och fixade ett skotbord.
Next to traditional tavernas, we found 3Sixty, a super nice cafe/bar located in neoclassical building in the historical city's center of Nafplion.
Next to traditional tavernas, we found 3Sixty, a super nice cafe/bar located in neoclassical building in the historical city's center of Nafplion.
New Years in Napflio
Jag har skrivit om Napflio tidigare. En super mysig stad som ligger ca 2 tim fran Aten. Ett perfekt weekend mal. Det finns mysiga butiker, cafeer, fina hus och en vacker 'old town'. Nu till jul var det extra fint med julgranar och dekorationer . Vi firade nyar har. M gillade verkligen att aka bil och byta miljo, hon var pa stralande humor hela helgen min lilla dam.
Napflio, just two hours a way from Athens, is a perfect weekend destination. It has it all. Nice shops, places to eat, history, beautiful buildings and an old town with castles. Baby M looved to travel, she slept the whole car ride and was super happy all weekend. She seems to like to travel, meet new people, go to parties and stay in hotels - my little girl !
Napflio, just two hours a way from Athens, is a perfect weekend destination. It has it all. Nice shops, places to eat, history, beautiful buildings and an old town with castles. Baby M looved to travel, she slept the whole car ride and was super happy all weekend. She seems to like to travel, meet new people, go to parties and stay in hotels - my little girl !
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