Denna blogg är alltid glad men nu är jag lite upprörd. Jag gick till min sömmerska för att fixa en klänning. Jag var tvungen att kliva ut ur provhytten så att hon kunde sätta fast nålarna. I butiken sitter tre damer och dricker kaffe, vänner till sömmerska. De frågade mig på grekiska var jag kommer ifrån. Jag sa Sverige. De frågade varför jag var i Grekland, jag sa att jag är gift mig med en grek. För att undvika för fler frågor, hoppade tillbaka jag går in i omklädningsrummet. Direkt börjar de prata om mig!!
"Jag tycker att hennes hår ser fejk blont ut" "Jag tycker tjejer med mörkt hår är mycket vackrare och blondiner åldras snabbare ... Hennes hud är verkligen blek, det ser det inte bra ut. Jag förstår inte hur grekiska män gifter sig med utländska kvinnor ... "
Jag visste inte om jag ska skratta eller gråta. De visste ju jag att hörde dem - provhytten hade bara en tunn gardinen. Seriously irriterande :(
This blog is always super happy but now i am upset. i went to the seamstress to fix a dress. i had to step outside so that she could pin it and take it in. there were three ladies sitting inside the shop having coffee, friends of the seamstress lady. they asked me in greek where i was from. I said sweden. They asked why i was in greece, i said i married a greek. to avoid further questioning, I jumped back into the changing room which is just half a meter away, and close with the thin curtain. as soon as i do, the three ladies start to gossip about ME.
"I think her hair is fake blonde" "I think girls with dark hair are much prettier. Blondes age much quicker... Her skin is really pales, it doesn't look nice. I don't understand how Greek men marry foreign women..."
I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. They knew i heard them, it was just a thin curtain... seriously
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Fish spa
Jag gick runt i Glyfada och hittade ett nytt spa. Epic Spa är en fisk spa som erbjuder fisk behandling för händer och fötter. De små fiskarna "biter" dig och tar bort döda hudceller, vilket gör huden smidig och mjuk. Mysig eller inte? En manikyr och behandling kostar fr 30 euro.
I walked around in Glyfada and a new spa caught my attention. Epic Spa is a fish spa which offers fish treatment for hand and feet. The tiny fishes "bite" you and take away dead cells making your skin smooth and soft. Is it nice or not? A manicure and treatment starts from 30 euros.
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Photo borrowed from Cyrpus fish spa |
Nja inga fiska for mig, det blev en vanlig manikyr här nära mitt kontor. Jag gick till en grå färg. Det kallas "Chinchilly" och är ett elegant granit grå.
I had a normal manicure here close to my office. I went for a gray colour. It is called "Chinchilly" and is a sleek granite gray
Kalimera :)
Började dagen med lite apelsinjuice. De grekiska apelsinerna (från Peloponnesos tror jag) är super söta och goda just nu. underbart med en vitaminkick på morgonen.
Started the day with some orange juice. the greek oranges (from peloponnese i think) are sweet at the moment. wonderful kick of vitamins in the morning.
Started the day with some orange juice. the greek oranges (from peloponnese i think) are sweet at the moment. wonderful kick of vitamins in the morning.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Temperaturen sjunker. Jag och en tjejkompis tog en power walk och det var riktigt kallt. På något sätt blir Glyfada, kanske eftersom det är vid havet,rått ibland på vintern. Enligt iphone väderrapporten kommer det att snö ikväll ... let's see...
The temperature is dropping. Me and girl friend went for a power walk and ok i may be Swedish but it was really cold. Somehow Glyfada , maybe because it is by the sea, feels really chilly in the winter. According to the weather rapport it will snow tonight.. Let's see..
The temperature is dropping. Me and girl friend went for a power walk and ok i may be Swedish but it was really cold. Somehow Glyfada , maybe because it is by the sea, feels really chilly in the winter. According to the weather rapport it will snow tonight.. Let's see..
Jag var så sugen på asiatisk mat i helgen. Först beställde vi från Boracay i Voula. Det är en ganska ny restaurang med japansk och filippinsk mat. Jag försökte shrimp dumplings och Yakisoba (焼きそば) nudlar. Hur gott som helst. Det är lite mer $$ än tex Noodle Bar, men kvaliteten var mycket bättre. Super god mat helt enkelt! Och i framtiden kommer de att börja med sushi också :-)
I was so in the mood for Asian food this weekend. First we ordered from Boracay in Voula. It is a fairly new restaurant with Japanese and Philippine food. I tried the shirmp dumplings and Yakisoba (焼きそば) noodles. It was so good. It's a little more pricy then Noodle Bar, but the quality was waaay better. Super delicious food!! And in the future they will start with sushi too :-)
I was so in the mood for Asian food this weekend. First we ordered from Boracay in Voula. It is a fairly new restaurant with Japanese and Philippine food. I tried the shirmp dumplings and Yakisoba (焼きそば) noodles. It was so good. It's a little more pricy then Noodle Bar, but the quality was waaay better. Super delicious food!! And in the future they will start with sushi too :-)
Indian Kitchen
Igår var min namnsdag och vi firade med en indisk middag på Indian Kitchen i Sytagama. De hade alla klassiska rätter som Korma, Tikka, Tandoori, Tikka Masala etc och naturligtvis nybakat naan bröd. Myisgt, gott och spicy!
Yesterday was my name day and we celebrated with an Indian dinner at Indian Kitchen in Sytagama. They had all the classic dishes like Korma, Tikka, Tandoori, Tikka Masala etc & of course freshly baked naan bread. I had the alli goobi which was spicy.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I want summer
Well..hello from the office. It is raining and a pretty slow afternoon, so I am cheering myself up with these amazing, colourful photos from STYLE MAGAZINE's spring issue. I want summer ... now : )
På Zara rean *som pågår till 29 av februari btw* hittade jag en väldigt söt blus. Den har en fin krage med animal print och knappar på baksidan. Tyvärr valde fel storlek och sitter nu med en blus i XS som blir riktigt tight. Jag hoppas verkligen jag kan ändra det.
At the Zara sale *which goes on to 29 of Feb btw* I found this very cute blouse. It has a sweet collar with animal prints and buttons on the back. Unfortunately I picked the wrong size and I am now stuck with an XS. I really hope I can change it.
At the Zara sale *which goes on to 29 of Feb btw* I found this very cute blouse. It has a sweet collar with animal prints and buttons on the back. Unfortunately I picked the wrong size and I am now stuck with an XS. I really hope I can change it.
Igår testade vi nya Baron (gamla Lis) i Glyfada. Nice, elegant och minimal design. Vi hade te och mini-munkar.
Yesterday we tried new the Baron (old Lis) in Glyfada. Nice, sleek and minimal design. We had tea - perfect on a rainy day. Ask them for the mini doughnuts. These are super.
Yesterday we tried new the Baron (old Lis) in Glyfada. Nice, sleek and minimal design. We had tea - perfect on a rainy day. Ask them for the mini doughnuts. These are super.
Klassisk rulltårta
Detta måste vara det snabbaste kakan någonsin. Det tar 5 min att blanda allt ingredents (allt du behöver är ägg, socker, mjöl, bakpulver och några sylt för att fylla). Häll ut allt på bakplåtspapper och grädda i ugnen i 5 minuter (vid 200 C). Efteråt bred lite sylt (jag använde hallon) eller choklad fyllning och rulla ihop allt. Skär i stora skivor. Mums mums!
This must be the fastest cake ever. It takes 5 min to mix all the ingredents (all you need is egg, sugar, flour, baking powder and some jam for filling). Pour it all out on baking paper and it goes in the oven for 5 min (at 200 C). Afterwards just put jam ( I used raspberry) / chocolate filling and roll it. Cut in large slices.
This must be the fastest cake ever. It takes 5 min to mix all the ingredents (all you need is egg, sugar, flour, baking powder and some jam for filling). Pour it all out on baking paper and it goes in the oven for 5 min (at 200 C). Afterwards just put jam ( I used raspberry) / chocolate filling and roll it. Cut in large slices.
Jag hade grekisk yoghurt med grekisk honung till frukost igår. Gott. Det känns alltid mer som en efterrätt dock,eftersom det är så sweeeet.
I had Greek youghurt with Greek honey for breakfast yesterday. Delicious. It always feels more like a dessert though, because it is so sweeeet.
I had Greek youghurt with Greek honey for breakfast yesterday. Delicious. It always feels more like a dessert though, because it is so sweeeet.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Vi tog bilen till Glaxadi för en dag i byn. Det var super trevlig och mysig. Vi gick runt, hade coffes, handlat på de lokala marknaderna, åt lunch på en traditionell μεζεδοπωλειο . Mys-pys och skönt att komma bort lite från Aten.
We took the car to Glaxadi for a day in the village. It was super nice and cozy. We walked around, had coffes, shopped at the local markets, ate lunch at a traditional μεζεδοπωλειο.
We took the car to Glaxadi for a day in the village. It was super nice and cozy. We walked around, had coffes, shopped at the local markets, ate lunch at a traditional μεζεδοπωλειο.
Sunshine :)
Titta vilken skillnad vädret gör ... solig eftermiddag i Galaxidi ....
Look what difference the weather makes... sunny afternoon in Galaxidi....
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Saturdays breakfast
Lördagens frukost: blåbär muffins och Vanila munk. Inte nyttigt direkt, men OMG så yummy ...
Saturdays breakfast : blueberry muffin and vanila donut. Not very healthy, but OMG so yummy...
Saturday, January 21, 2012
H&M and Versace?
Så vad hände med H & M och Versace spring collection? Ingenting:... Det är därför jag inte har bloggat om det. Så kollenktionen såldes bara på nätet i Sverige. Jag loggade glatt in och klicka hem en massa fina saker (bikini bara 29 euro, en söt topp 19 € ... super) När jag skulle betala kraschade hela systemet : Jag ringde deras kundtjänst direkt, som sa att allt hade sålts slut på 45 minuter och att deras webshop inte hunnit uppdateradera ännu ... så det såg ut som om allt var kvar .. De informerade mig att det fanns ett par ballerinor kvar i storlek 42. :-(
So what happened with H&M and Versace? Nothing :( That's why I haven't blogged about it. So it was only sold online in Scandianvia. I logged in online and started to click away (bikini just 29 euros, a cute top 19 euros...super). When I was going to pay the whole system crashed :( I called their customer support who said the collection sold out in 45 min and that their web shop wasn't updated it looked like everything was still there.. They kindly informed me that there was one pair of ballerinas left in size 42. :-(
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Look book by H&M + Versace SS 2012 |
So what happened with H&M and Versace? Nothing :( That's why I haven't blogged about it. So it was only sold online in Scandianvia. I logged in online and started to click away (bikini just 29 euros, a cute top 19 euros...super). When I was going to pay the whole system crashed :( I called their customer support who said the collection sold out in 45 min and that their web shop wasn't updated it looked like everything was still there.. They kindly informed me that there was one pair of ballerinas left in size 42. :-(
Friday, January 20, 2012
Chinese New Year
Ha en härlig helg!
och glatt kinesiska nyåret. Denna helg är det kinesiska nyåret och vi går in i vattnen drakens år. eftersom vi har många kunder i Kina, Hong kong, Singapore och Korea, kommer nästa vecka vara lite mer tyst på kontoret, eftersom de alla ut för semester:)
Have a great weekend!
And Happy Chinese New Year. this weekend is the chinese lunar new year.
We now enter the year of the water dragon year.
We now enter the year of the water dragon year.
Since we have a lot of clients in china, hong kong, singapore and korea, next week will be a little more relaxed it the office, since they are all off for holidays :)
For your eyes only
Trötta ögon blir piggare med en klick Nuxe eyecream. Den innehåller oljor och växtextrakt som återfukar huden. Finns på apoteket - grekiska apotek är roliga. De har all medicin men sen en massa smink, krämer, nagellack, diet-drinkar och annat trevligt. De finns hur mååånga apotek som helst. I min del av Glyfada har jag fem stycken, ett på varje hörn i princip ...
Tired eyes will be brighter with a a little Nuxe eyecream. It contains oils and plant extracts that moisturized skin. Available at your local pharmacy - Greek pharmacies are fun btw. They have all the medicines you need, but then a lot of makeup, creams, nail polish, diet drinks and other nice stuff. They are soo many pharmacies In my part of Glyfada, I have five within just a few minutes walk.
Blir klart uttråkad av flingor och yoghurt varje dag till frukost. Jag har bestämt mig för att göra något annorlunda. Idag har jag började med en smoothie med banan och jordgubbar, apelsin, mango.
I'm getting so bored of cornflakes and yogurt every day for i decided to make something different. Today i started with a smoothie with banana & strawberries, orange, mango.
I'm getting so bored of cornflakes and yogurt every day for i decided to make something different. Today i started with a smoothie with banana & strawberries, orange, mango.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
marina flisvos
15 min away is Marina Flisvos . Very nice for coffee :) It is so nice because it is totally car - free, we also go here for power walk right on the water from. I stopped by after work for a coffee.
Jag gillar alla dessa cartoon inspirerade prints. Här kolla in min Emirates väska (perfekt för gymmet eller stranden) och underlägg.
I like all these cartoon inspired prints. Here. check out my Emirates bag (perfect for the gym or beach) and glass coaster.
I like all these cartoon inspired prints. Here. check out my Emirates bag (perfect for the gym or beach) and glass coaster.
Penne with salmon and zucchini
Låt mig dela med mig med detta super läckra recept. Det är penne pasta med lax och zucchini. Allt du behöver göra är steka lite hackad zucchini, cocktailtomater. sedan göra en sås av till antingen Creme freish (eller matlagningsgrädde) light, dill, salt, peppar, lite citron. Blanda allt och tillsätt lite rökt lax. Enjoy:)
Let me share with you with delicious recipe . It is penne pasta with salmon and zucchini. All you do is fry some chopped zucchini, cocktail tomatoes. then make a sauce of either creme freish (or light cooking cream), dill, salt, pepper, a splash of lemon. Mix it all and add some smoked salmon. Enjoy :)
Let me share with you with delicious recipe . It is penne pasta with salmon and zucchini. All you do is fry some chopped zucchini, cocktail tomatoes. then make a sauce of either creme freish (or light cooking cream), dill, salt, pepper, a splash of lemon. Mix it all and add some smoked salmon. Enjoy :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Endast fem minuter från kontoret är ett spa! Jag pep iväg för en trevlig aromaterapi massage häromdagen. Jag var nästan somnade..... Sååå avkopplande.
Only five minutes from the office is a spa! How convienient. I popped out for a nice aroma therapy massage the other day. I was almost falling asleep. It was so nice and relaxing.
Only five minutes from the office is a spa! How convienient. I popped out for a nice aroma therapy massage the other day. I was almost falling asleep. It was so nice and relaxing.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Min helg i bilder, familj lunch med den grekiska La Familia, brunch med med våra fina svenska vänner, en promenad i Plaka och jogga i Vouligmeni. Very nice faktiskt ...
My weekend in photos, family lunch with the Greek la familia, brunch with nice Swedish friends, a walk in Plaka, jogging in Vouligmeni. Very nice indeed...
My weekend in photos, family lunch with the Greek la familia, brunch with nice Swedish friends, a walk in Plaka, jogging in Vouligmeni. Very nice indeed...
Cute cats
Jag såg dessa urgulliga katter i Plaka, hur söta som helst.
I saw these kittens in Plaka & they were so cute. I wanted to take these tiny furry things home asap.
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