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photo from here |
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
bye for now ;)
Det här med blogga vara ju stenkul i början. Det var ett bra sätt att vara kreativ, skriva, reflektera och ta fina bilder. Jag kunde skriva flera gånger om dagen men nu efter 9 månader är det inte lika skoj. Så jag ska ta en paus. Tusen tack för att du tittat in och hej på ett tag!
This thing about blogging was that it was sooo fun in the beginning. It was a great way to be creative, write, reflect and take pretty pictures. I could write several times a day but now after 9 months it's not as fun. So I'll take a break. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and bye for now....
Friday, May 18, 2012
Rainy day in ATH
De hade varnat att det ska regna idag, men jag tycker oftra greker overdriver när det gäller just vädret .. men inte denna gång! Idag regnet har det regnat non stop och det har varit riktigt blåsigt. Här är min utsikt från kontoret. Det var svårt att hitta några varma kläder i morse, eftersom jag redan stoppat undan vintern grejer . Nu är det dags att beställa en varm kaffe ..
They had warned on TV that it would rain today, but I didn't believe them...Well they were correct. Today the rain has been pouring non stop and it's been windy too. Here is my view from the office. It was difficult to find some warm clothes to wear, since i already store away the winter stuff.. time to order a hot coffee..
They had warned on TV that it would rain today, but I didn't believe them...Well they were correct. Today the rain has been pouring non stop and it's been windy too. Here is my view from the office. It was difficult to find some warm clothes to wear, since i already store away the winter stuff.. time to order a hot coffee..
My master degree :)
Efter ett år av heltidsstudier, fick jag äntligen det. Min magisterexamen i marknadsföring - mycket nöjda .. kanske en MBA nästa?!
After a year of full time studies, I finally got it. My master degree in marketing - very happy.. maybe an MBA next?!
After a year of full time studies, I finally got it. My master degree in marketing - very happy.. maybe an MBA next?!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Jag har ett suuuuuper fint lack nu! Möt Tangerine , hur snyggt korall färgat lack med en touch av neon - det syns inte på bilden, men det är elektrisk. OH Essie varför de så underbara nagellack ?! jag vill ha dem alla! förresten, jag hade en mini manikyr idag ... 3 euro ... ! den ekonomiska krisen pressar verkligen vissa priser nedåt.
I'm wearing a suuuuuper pretty polish now ! Meet tangerine, it is a very pretty coral colour with a touch of neon - it doesnt show in the photo but it is electric. oH Essie why do you make so pretty nail polishes i want them all . by the way, i had a mini manicure today for ... 3 euros... !! the economic crisis really push some prices down.
I'm wearing a suuuuuper pretty polish now ! Meet tangerine, it is a very pretty coral colour with a touch of neon - it doesnt show in the photo but it is electric. oH Essie why do you make so pretty nail polishes i want them all . by the way, i had a mini manicure today for ... 3 euros... !! the economic crisis really push some prices down.
Panos Emporio
När jag kom till Grekland berättade jag för alla om Panos Emporio kläder. Men igen hade hört talas om dem! Tydligen var han bara populär i Skandinavien då. Nu ett par år senare var hans grejer finns i Grekland. Hittade denna snygga handduk hos Notos Galleries. Panos Emporio AB är ett bad-företag som grundades av Panos Papadopoulos. En grekisk som kom till Sverige för många år sedan. De är kända för sina färgglada bikinis och for att de ordnar Fröken Sverige.Jag gillar detta märke lite extra eftersom det har samma namn som min man ♥
When i came to Greece i was telling everyone about Panos Emporio's beach wear. No one had heard of them! Apperenlty he was just popular in Scandinavia then. Now a couple of years later his stuff is available in Greece. Panos Emporio AB is a swimwear company founded by Panos Papadopoulos. A Greek who came to Sweden many years ago. They are famous for their colourful bikinis and organizing Miss Sweden. i especially like this brand since it has the same name as my husband ♥
When i came to Greece i was telling everyone about Panos Emporio's beach wear. No one had heard of them! Apperenlty he was just popular in Scandinavia then. Now a couple of years later his stuff is available in Greece. Panos Emporio AB is a swimwear company founded by Panos Papadopoulos. A Greek who came to Sweden many years ago. They are famous for their colourful bikinis and organizing Miss Sweden. i especially like this brand since it has the same name as my husband ♥
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Drinks at Moorings
Vi mötte upp med några goda vänner och hade cocktails på taket på Moorings i Vouliagmeni. Det var riktigt trevligt och deras cocktails är super goda... Verkligen mysigt
We met up with some good friends and had cocktails on the roof garden of Moorings in Vouliagmeni. It was really nice and their drinks are delicious!
We met up with some good friends and had cocktails on the roof garden of Moorings in Vouliagmeni. It was really nice and their drinks are delicious!
Fish restaurant
Vi åt på Kollias, en fisk restaurang i Syggrou. Se hur de serverar fisk - Flambe!
We went to Kollias, a fish restaurant in Syggrou. Look how the serve the fish! Flambé!
We went to Kollias, a fish restaurant in Syggrou. Look how the serve the fish! Flambé!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Vouliagmeni beach
Jag och min kompis M gick till Vouliagmeni stranden (παραλία της Βουλιαγμένης). Det var lite mulet, men det var ändå väldigt mysigt, varmt och gott.
Me and my friend M went to vouliagmeni beach (παραλία της Βουλιαγμένης ). It was a little cloudy, but it was still very nice and not at all crowded.
Me and my friend M went to vouliagmeni beach (παραλία της Βουλιαγμένης ). It was a little cloudy, but it was still very nice and not at all crowded.
juicy beach bag
Jag ääälskar min gröna Juicy beach väska! så glad sommaren är här, jag är inte en vinter person ... För någon dag sedan packade jag bort alla mina jeans, varma tröjor etc, det kändes bra att säga bye bye till dem och ta fram alla fina sommar klänningar och bikinis.
I looove my green juicy beach bag! So happy summer is here, i am so NOT a winter person... The other day I packed away all my jeans, sweaters etc , felt great to say bye bye to them and bring out all the nice dresses and bikinis
I looove my green juicy beach bag! So happy summer is here, i am so NOT a winter person... The other day I packed away all my jeans, sweaters etc , felt great to say bye bye to them and bring out all the nice dresses and bikinis
Jag blev förvånad och glad för att hitta den svenska tidningen Aftonbladet här i Glyfada, i en lokal kiosk. För bara 2 € får jag läsa gårdagens papper. Perfect:)
Jag fick även ett gäng grekiska tidningar - bra sätt att öva min grekiska.
Jag fick även ett gäng grekiska tidningar - bra sätt att öva min grekiska.
I was surprised and very happy to find the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet here in Glyfada, in a local kiosk. For just 2 euros I get to read yesterdays paper. Perfect : ) I also got a bunch of Greek magazines - good way to practise my Greek
delicious Swedish cinnamon buns
Jag längtade soo much efter svenska kanelbullar. Jag följde denna recept och de blev riktigt lyckade och mycket saftigt.
I had a huge craving for Swedish cinnamon buns. I followed these instructions and they turned out great and very juicy.
I had a huge craving for Swedish cinnamon buns. I followed these instructions and they turned out great and very juicy.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Det blir varmare och varmare i Aten så det är super viktigt att dricka massor av vatten. Jag brukar pressar citroner och lime och frysa dem som isbitar. Det gör vattnet godare och uppfriskande.
It is getting hotter in Athens so it is super important to drink lots of water. i squeeze lemons and limes and freeze them as ice cubes. It makes the water really nice and refreshing.
It is getting hotter in Athens so it is super important to drink lots of water. i squeeze lemons and limes and freeze them as ice cubes. It makes the water really nice and refreshing.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
svensk räkröra
I denna blogg hittade jag ett helt fantastiska recept för svensk räkröra. Det var så gott. Ena dagen blev det räkröra på toast och idag bakad potatis i ugnen fyllda med räkröra. Muuuuums!!
In this blog I found an amazing recipe for Swedish shrimp mix. It was so good. I had it on a toast one day and the next day I baked potatoes in the oven and stuffed them with the shrimp mix. Yummy!
Jag var i AB supermarket, när min man såg dessa svenska smörgåsar (med polarbröd!!). Jag blev super glad. De smakar precis hem ..
I was in AB supermarket, when my husband spotted Swedish sandwiches. I was super happy and got a bunch. Taste just like back home..
I was in AB supermarket, when my husband spotted Swedish sandwiches. I was super happy and got a bunch. Taste just like back home..
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Can I order...?
Man kan laga så mycket härliga mat i Grekland (det finns ju alltid färska grönsaker, frukt, fisk, skaldjur etc). Men ibland bara orkar man inte laga mat efter en heldag på jobbet. Så thank god for home delivery. Dessa var bara delivery-brochyrerna som kom med dagens post...(synd med så mycket reklam i onödan dock).
Mina favoriter i Glyfada:
Dream Grill i Voula för Souvalki
Dulcis In Fundo för pasta
Lunchbox för sallader / wraps
Far East för kina-mat
Simply Burgers för quesadilla
You can cook so much lovely food in Greece (there is always fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, shellfish, etc). But sometimes you are just NOT in the mood to cook a long day at work. So thank god for home delivery! These were the delivery brochures that came with today's mail ...
My favourites:
Dream Grill in Voula of Souvalki
Dulcis in Fundo for pasta, pizza, salads
Lunchbox for salads / wraps
Far East for Chinese-food
Dulcis in Fundo for pasta, pizza, salads
Lunchbox for salads / wraps
Far East for Chinese-food
Noodlebar for woks
Monday, May 7, 2012
hej bloggen. Jag övergav den lite den senaste dagarna. Jag har känt mig lite off helt enkelt... anyways. Vi gick på bio en hel del. Förra veckan såg vi The Avengers & Jump Street 21. Den första handlade om en massa super heros - inte min grej. Den andra var en dum komedi.
hello blog. i abandoned it a litte. i have been feeling a little out of it the last days... moody... anyways. we went to the cinama. last week we saw The Avengers & Jump Street 21. Well, the first was about super heros - not my thing . The other one was a silly comedy.
hello blog. i abandoned it a litte. i have been feeling a little out of it the last days... moody... anyways. we went to the cinama. last week we saw The Avengers & Jump Street 21. Well, the first was about super heros - not my thing . The other one was a silly comedy.
καλοκαιρινο cinema
Något jag verkligen gillar i Grekland är utomhus bio (eller καλοκαιρινο bio som det heter). Du sitter utanhus och tittar på film efter solnedgången. Det finns ofta en bar när man kan köpa öl, läsk och Souvlaki ... De bör öppnas snart, eftersom Aten blir varmare ...
Something I really like in Greece is the out door cinema (or καλοκαιρινο cinema). You sit outside and watch the movies after the sun set. There is usually a bar when you can get beer, soft drinks and souvlaki... They should open soon, because Athens is get warmer...
Elections in Greece
igår var val i Grekland. Eftersom jag inte är grekisk medborgare kan jag inte rösta (bara i komunval), men jag gick min grekiska familj. Det finns såå många olika parter i Grekland, jag tror att det runt 30 olika som man kan rösta på. Resultaten var en total blandning av vänster, höger och vissa extrema partier. Hur och om de kan bilda en regering återstår att se...
yesterday was elections in Greece. Since I am not a Greek citizen I can't vote, but I went along my Greek family. There are soo many parties in Greece, it think around 30 that you could vote for. The results were a total mix of left, right and some extreme parties. How and if they can form a government remains to be see...
yesterday was elections in Greece. Since I am not a Greek citizen I can't vote, but I went along my Greek family. There are soo many parties in Greece, it think around 30 that you could vote for. The results were a total mix of left, right and some extreme parties. How and if they can form a government remains to be see...
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Essie "Pink-A-Boo"
Jag äääälskar nagellack, det är så kul att köpa .. det finns alltid nya färger. Idag blev det Essie's nya "Pink-A-Boo" - söt, rosa och glittrande.
I loooove nail polish, it is such a nice thing to buy.. there are always new colours and shades. Today I went for Essie "Pink-A-Boo" - light, sweet, pink and sparkly.
Sunset at Balux
A lovely place is Balux in Glyfada. It is an all day / all night hang out place. In the mornings mothers have coffees while their kids play, during the day you can tan on the beds and chairs on the beach or by the pool, and grab a salad for lunch. When the sun sets the bar opens and they have nice cocktails and music and in the evening is gets more and more busy...
Lunch by the sea
Vi firade första maj med en mysig lunch vid havet ... och det var så varmt! 30 grader. Som ni ser, massor av människor simmar redan i havet.
We celebrated the first of may with a lunch by the sea...and it was so hot! 30 degrees. As you see ; lots of people swimming in the sea.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday at the pool
Vädret var helt fantastiskt i helgen, solsken och 25 grader. Jag solade vid poolen.
The weather was just amazing this weekend, sunshine and 25 degrees. I went for suntanning at pool.
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... and Swedish Comsopolitan - lyx ! |
The weather was just amazing this weekend, sunshine and 25 degrees. I went for suntanning at pool.
Apivita Natural Cosmetics
Jag är super noga med att inte bränna mig, jag använder SPF 50 för mitt ansikte och SPF 30 för kroppen. Solen är underbar, men jag bränner så himla lätt, bättre att vara på den säkra sidan. Jag testade dessa grekiska, naturliga produkter av Apivita. Riktigt bra !
I am super careful not to get burnned, I use SPF 50 for my face and 30 for the body. The sun is great but I burn so easily, so better to be on the safe side. I got these (Greek) nice, natural products by Apivita. They are right light and absorb quickly so you don't feel greasy. And you get an after sun lotion for free.
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I like the happy colourful bottles |
Friday, April 27, 2012
Americanico är en liten bar i vid Marina Zeas i Piraeus. Det har bord utanhus och mycket cool, retro inredning. Kolla in mina bilder ; ) och ha en toppen helg ♥
Is a tiny bar in above Marina Zeas, in Piraeus. It has table outside and very cool, retro interior design. Check out my photos... and have a great weekend ♥
Is a tiny bar in above Marina Zeas, in Piraeus. It has table outside and very cool, retro interior design. Check out my photos... and have a great weekend ♥
För sommaren gillar jag lite mer färg-glada kläder, jag shoppden denna klänning (härligt grön!!) och söta flip flops (fuschia). A little touch of color to spice up an outfit.
For summer I like a bit of colour, I shopped this dress (bright green) and cute flip flops (fuschia). A little touch of color to spice up an outfit.
For summer I like a bit of colour, I shopped this dress (bright green) and cute flip flops (fuschia). A little touch of color to spice up an outfit.
Fashion for charity
H & M har lanserat sin femte Fashion Against AIDS (FAA) kollektion, för att samla in pengar och skapa medvetenhet om HIV / AIDS bland unga. 25% av vinsten från linjen går till välgörenhet. Hur bra är inte det? Jag shoppade denna bikini - härliga färger!
H&M has launched its fifth Fashion Against AIDS (FAA) collection, to raise funds and create awareness about HIV/AIDS among the young. 25 % of the earnings from the line goes to charity. How good is that?! I got this bikini - great colours !!
H&M has launched its fifth Fashion Against AIDS (FAA) collection, to raise funds and create awareness about HIV/AIDS among the young. 25 % of the earnings from the line goes to charity. How good is that?! I got this bikini - great colours !!
Sure shot by Essie
I have a thing for nail polish - särskilt Essie. Deras färger är hur fina som helst! Igår blev det denaa nya färgen från deras Resort Collection som heter "Sure Shot". Glittrande, pärla-magenta färg. Jag köpte den från Fairy Nails - Jag gillar hur de ger dig en påse med godis med ditt nagellack - sweeeet!
I have a thing for nail polish - a tiny addiction - especially by Essie. Their colours are so pretty! Yesterday I got this new colour from their Resort Collection called 'Sure shot'. It glistening, irresistible with a touch of pearl and magenta. I got this one from Fairy Nails - I like how they give you a bag with candy - sweet !
I have a thing for nail polish - a tiny addiction - especially by Essie. Their colours are so pretty! Yesterday I got this new colour from their Resort Collection called 'Sure shot'. It glistening, irresistible with a touch of pearl and magenta. I got this one from Fairy Nails - I like how they give you a bag with candy - sweet !
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