Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Surprise bag
Tråkigt att krisen i Grekland orsakat att så många butiker stänger. Jag gick förbi en Sephora butik som säljer ut sina lager för att de ska stänga. De hade surprise goodie-bags. Jag älskar överraskningar, så jag kunde inte motstå. Resultatet? Well, en parfym för huset, ögonskugga, pincett, läpppenna, face-wash, en bok på grekiska, ett fint doft- ljus mm
I passed by a Sephora down towan, who are selling out their stock to close. They offered 10 euro surprise goodie bags. I loooove surprises, so I couldn't resist. The result? Well, a perfume for the house, eyeshadow, tweezers, lip pen, face wash, a very nice candle ....
I passed by a Sephora down towan, who are selling out their stock to close. They offered 10 euro surprise goodie bags. I loooove surprises, so I couldn't resist. The result? Well, a perfume for the house, eyeshadow, tweezers, lip pen, face wash, a very nice candle ....
Oh X-mas tree
Jag älskar vår julgran. Det har varje färg kan du image. Inga regler, alla dekorationer är välkomna, allt ifrån hemgjorda glittriga glödlampor till handgjorda änglar till Moët & Chandon korkar. The more the merrier!
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Up close |
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My favourite |
I love our Christmas tree. It has every colour you can image. No rules, all decoration are welcome; from home made glitter lightbulbs to handmade angels to Moët & Chandon corks. The more the merrier!
Bobonieras är oftast små påsar eller boxar fyllda med mandlar som ges till gästerna på grekiska bröllop och dop. Titta hur söt och rosa dessa var från ett dop vi var på nyligen.
Bobonieras are usually little bags, boxes or pouch filled with sugar-coated almonds that are given to guests at Greek weddings and christenings. They are usually five sugared almonds, which symbolise health, wealth, happiness, love and long life. Look how pretty and pink these were from a baptizing we went to recently.
Bobonieras are usually little bags, boxes or pouch filled with sugar-coated almonds that are given to guests at Greek weddings and christenings. They are usually five sugared almonds, which symbolise health, wealth, happiness, love and long life. Look how pretty and pink these were from a baptizing we went to recently.
X-mas music
Några mysiga jul-cd är Pink Martini's och Starbucks samling. Fast jag måste hitta några svenska också.

Some nice Christmas CDs are these by Pink Martini and the Starbucks collection. I gotta find some Swedish ones too.
Gingerbread cookies
Jag bakade lite pepparkakor. Degen kan man köpa färdig ibland på IKEA. Annars kan man göra den av mjöl, socker, kanel, ingefära, salt, bakpulver, vaniljsocker, ägg och gräddfil. Pepparkakor=svensk jul.
I made gingerbread cookies the other day. The dough is made of flour, sugar, cinnamon, ginger (of course!), salt, baking powder, vanilla, eggs and sour cream. Gingerbread cookies are super important in Sweden around Christmas.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Nu blir det inte mer bloggande idag eftersom jag ska plugga....
Not much blogging today because I gotta study...
I the Grand Ballroom at Grande Bretagne höll en sagolik champagne event i lördags. Här testade vi Champagne från Frankrike, Lambrusco och Prosecco från Italien, och mousserande vin från Grekland och Japan. Simply bubblicious!
In a grand ballroom at Grande Bretagne fabulous Champagne event was held. Here we sampled Champagne from France, Lambrusco and Prosecco from Italy, and even a sparkling from Greece and Japan as well as some unique food pairings. Simply bubblicious!
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Christian Louboutin ♥ Piper Heidsieck
Piper Heidsieck hade en del galna desings, vad sägs om denna flytande champange hink för poolen? Eller deras nya champange glas formade (och designade av sko-designern Christian Louboutin) som slippers.
Piper Heidsieck has some crazy desings, what about this floating champange bucket for the swimming pool? Or their new champange glasses shaped (and designed by famed shoe maker Christian Louboutin) like slippers. I think both the bottle and glass look incredible and would love to get my hands on the set!
Swedish Christmas bazar
Vi startade vår lördag i Plaka med att besöka den svenska julen bazaren. Jag handlade lite svensk mat, juldekorationer och lotter (jag vann faktiskt en vacker blomvas). Det var ett riktigt myisgt besök.

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We started our Saturday in Plaka with a visit to the Swedish Christmas bazar. I picked up my favourite Swedish food, some christmas decorations and lottery tickets (I actually won a really pretty crystal flower vase - which I will def use and a hat which there is no chance in the world I'll wear...). It was a really nice visit.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Happy weekend
Jag vill önska er alla en underbar helg. Jag är tillbaka på måndag.
I would like to wish all of you a wonderful weekend.
I will be back on Monday.
I will be back on Monday.
Ginger bread house
Jag bestämde mig för att göra ett pepparkakshus! Jag trodde det var lätt, men jag hade fel. Hursomhelt var det kul :). Jag presenterar mitt rosa glitteriga pepparkakshus ... Voilà!
I decided to make a gingerbread house. I thought it was gonna be easy. i was wrong. but it was fun. I present my pink glitter gingerbread house... Voilà!
I decided to make a gingerbread house. I thought it was gonna be easy. i was wrong. but it was fun. I present my pink glitter gingerbread house... Voilà!
Zucchini omelette
Dagens lunch blev zucchini omelett. Super enkelt: 2-3 ägg, lite mjölk, stekt zucchini, lite god ost, salt och peppar. Så gott!
For lunch today I made a zucchini omelette. It is super easy, just take 2-3 eggs, a little milk, fried zucchini, cheese of your choice, salt and pepper. So good.
For lunch today I made a zucchini omelette. It is super easy, just take 2-3 eggs, a little milk, fried zucchini, cheese of your choice, salt and pepper. So good.
A bit of silver
Idag har jag på mig denna gosiga, stickade Zara tröja med silvertrådar och ett glittrande halsband från Oh La La. Passar perfekt med svarta skinny jeans eller leggings. Gillar att den är superlång, och lite som en klänning.
Today I am wearing this knitted Zara sweater with silver threads and a sparkly necklace from Oh La La. Perfect with black skinny jeans or leggings. Love that it is super long, and a bit like a dress.
To go with silver
Till min silver tröja och svarta jeans har jag antingen sköna uggs, eller dessa söta klackar.
To match my silver sweater and black jeans I either wear comfy ugg , or these cute small heels.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Idag är det den amerikanska helgdagen Thanksgiving. De äter kalkon och firar skördefest. Så : Happy Thanksgiving!
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Super cute cupcakes. Photot by: Cooking with sugar |
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More cute cupcakes.Photo from: ginger |
Thanksgiving cont
Middagen är en fantastisk parad av färger, smaker och dofter. Jag tycker verkligen svenskar borde fira denna holiday också.
The dinner is a fantastic parade of colours, flavours and scents. I really think Swedes should take up this holiday too!
Hip hair products
Efter år, eller egentligen ett årtionde av highlights och blekta slingor letar jag alltid efter nya produkter som kan stärka mitt hår. På Sephora hittade jag Hip-serien. Dessa söta produkter lovar att göra håret glänsande och friskt. Men när det står att det "magiska" hår serumet är som en skyddsängel och ska ge mig lycka tror jag nog att deras marketing department överdriver lite...
After years, or actually a decade of highlights and blonde bleach I am always looking for new products to strengthen my hair. At Sephora I found the Hip series. These cute products promise to make my hair shiny, glossy and healthy. But when it says the "magical" hair serum will protect my hair like a guardian angel and bring me happiness I think their marketing department has gone a little crazy...
After years, or actually a decade of highlights and blonde bleach I am always looking for new products to strengthen my hair. At Sephora I found the Hip series. These cute products promise to make my hair shiny, glossy and healthy. But when it says the "magical" hair serum will protect my hair like a guardian angel and bring me happiness I think their marketing department has gone a little crazy...
More of Athens
Fler vackra färger och sevärdheter från vår promenad i Aten.
More pretty colours and sights from our walk in Athens.
Late dinner
Det blev en sen kväll på kontoret igår, så jag hade ingen tid eller energi att laga mat. Vi stannade på detta ställe som har god hemlagad takeaway mat. Min middag: kyckling burgare, sallad och klyftpotatis.
Yesterday we had to stay in the office until really late, so no time or energy to cook. We stopped at this place which has great, healthy , home cooked take out food. My dinner: chicken burger , salad and oven potatoes.
Yesterday we had to stay in the office until really late, so no time or energy to cook. We stopped at this place which has great, healthy , home cooked take out food. My dinner: chicken burger , salad and oven potatoes.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Från Illusion d'Ombres de Chanel kollektionen 2011 är de flesta färgerna starka och glittriga, så detta (Vernis Nail Colour Quartz 525) är nästan lite "bortglömd". Vid en första blick ser den lite blekt och tråkigt ut, men vänta bara tills du målar två lager, då blir denna beige/champagne/glittriga färg helt perfekt ...

From the Illusion d'Ombres de Chanel collection 2011, most colors are strong and sparkly, so this one (Vernis Nail Colour Quartz 525) is almost a bit "forgotten". At first glance it looks a little pale and boring, but just wait until you paint two coats, then this beige / champagne / sparkly color is just perfect ...

From the Illusion d'Ombres de Chanel collection 2011, most colors are strong and sparkly, so this one (Vernis Nail Colour Quartz 525) is almost a bit "forgotten". At first glance it looks a little pale and boring, but just wait until you paint two coats, then this beige / champagne / sparkly color is just perfect ...
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